‘Gone Sailing Melodyne DNA Process’ may be viewed here http://gaspproject.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Gone-Sailing-Melodyne-DNA-Process.pdf

‘Cat Fantastic real-time Timbral Crossfading Process’ may be viewed here http://gaspproject.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/CatFan-real-time-Timbral-Morphing-Process.pdf

‘Appendices – An Immersive Guitar System: GASP’ may be viewed here http://gaspproject.xyz/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Appendices-An-Immersive-Guitar-System-–-GASP-1.pdf

The information below relates to the 21st Century Guitar online conference in Lisbon, Portugal, March 2021: An Immersive Guitar System GASP presentation: https://youtu.be/IiDcWAm31EA?t=5822

Clip 41: All strings forward, stationary, mono.

Clip 42: Pseudo Mono Rotation: (aka Rotating Clockwise):  Helix stereo spread set to mono (L&R together), with all strings rotating clockwise together, Spatial Tempo modulation enabled with expression pedal.

Clip 43: Pseudo Mono Stepped: (aka Stepping motion Anticlockwise): Helix stereo spread set to mono (L&R together), with all strings rotating clockwise, in a stepped manner, with 7 steps per 360° rotation, spatial tempo modulation enabled with expression pedal.

Clip 44: 90-degree stereo spread – Stepped: (aka Stepping motion Anticlockwise, Wider Spread): Helix stereo spread fixed at 45° (90° L to R), with all strings rotating anti-clockwise together in a stepped manner, with 7 steps per 360° rotation, spatial tempo modulation enabled with expression pedal.

Clip 45: 90-degree stereo spread – Rotation (aka Rotation, Anticlockwise, Wide Spread): Helix stereo spread fixed at 45° (90° L to R), with all strings rotating anti-clockwise together, spatial tempo modulation enabled with expression pedal.

Clip 46: Static Circle Narrow (aka Static, Narrow spread): Helix stereo spread set to mono (L&R together), with fixed positions for each string around the circle, with each string separated by = 60°, no modulations

Clip 47: Static Circle Wide (aka Static Wide Spread): Helix stereo spread fixed at 60° (120° L to R), with fixed positions for each string around the circle, with each string separated by 60° (between centres of stereo images), no modulations.

Clip 48: Rotational Chasing Strings (aka Rotating Clockwise, Narrow Spread): Helix stereo spread set to mono (L&R together), each string separated by 60°, now with clockwise rotation, spatial tempo modulation enabled with expression pedal.

Clip 49: Rotating Circle Wide (aka Rotating Clockwise, Wide Spread): Helix stereo spread fixed at 60° (120° L to R), with each string separated by 60° (from centre of stereo images), with clockwise rotation, spatial tempo modulation enabled with expression pedal.

Clips 50 & 50b: Rotating Swelling Circle (aka Rotating Clockwise, spread oscillating): Helix stereo spread is modulated, with each string separated by 60° (from centre of stereo images), Angle is rotating clockwise and tempo may be modulated.  The Stereo Spread is running at twice the speed of the Angle, such that there are two revolutions of Spread for each revolution of Angle, one passes through and the next bounces back. The Stereo Spreads overlap one another every 90° of Angle rotation.

Clips 51 &51b: Rotating Swelling Dipping Circle (aka Rotating Clockwise, spread oscillating, Distance oscillating): Helix stereo spread is modulated, with each string separated by 60° (from centre of stereo images), Angle is rotating clockwise and tempo may be modulated.  The Stereo Spread is running at twice the speed of the Angle, such that there are two revolutions of Spread for each revolution of Angle, one passes through and the next bounces back. The Stereo Spreads overlap one another every 90° of Angle rotation. The Distance parameter is being modulated at the same rate as Angle, this produces a noticeable ‘moving waves’ or ‘wobble effect’ at higher spatial tempos.

Clips 52 & 52a: Rotating Circle Narrow Alternates (aka Strings 1,3,5 rotating clockwise, Strings 2,4,6 rotating anticlockwise, Narrow Spread), Same as clip 42, Mono Spread, however Strings 1,3,5 are rotating clockwise and Strings 2,4,6 rotating anticlockwise

Clip 53: Rotating Circle Wide Alternates (aka Strings 1,3,5 rotating clockwise, Strings 2,4,6 rotating anticlockwise, Wide Spread): Same as clip 52, but with Stereo Spread fixed at 60° (120° L to R)

Clip 54: Rotating Swelling Circle Alternates (aka 1,3,5 clockwise, 2,4,6 anticlockwise, spread oscillating): Same as clip 50, however Strings 1,3,5 rotating clockwise and Strings 2,4,6 rotating anticlockwise

Clip 55: Rotating Swelling Dipping Circle Alternates (aka 1,3,5 clockwise, 2,4,6 anticlockwise, Spread oscillating, Distance oscillating), Same as clip 52, but with alternating directions of strings

Clip 56: Wide off-set Stepped Circle (aka Stepping clockwise, Wide Spread): Same as clip 44 but with off-set angles on adjacent strings, 90°stereo spread (45° L to R)

Clip 57: Ping Pong Left-Right: All strings switching movement together, alternating left-right, 45° spread

Clip 58: LR X Ping Pong: as Clip 57, but with alternate strings, opposite switching, String 1,3,5 opposite 2,4,6

Clip 59: LR X Ping Pong wave: as Clip 57, but with Distance parameter applied, giving ‘wave’ effect


Clip 60: Star Ping pong Wave: pairs of strings offset by 45°, with 45° spread, and moving Distance

Clip 70: Max Spread 180°, All strings with 180° spread, rotating with 45° angular offset, Spatial Tempo enabled

Clip 71: Circumferential rotation comparison

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